Shabbat Mode

Shabbat Mode (a.k.a. Sabbath Mode) is an easy to use Shopify app that allows you to close your e-commerce shop for holidays and special days.

Frequent Questions

What is “Use shop timezone” option?

There are 2 ways to close your shop:

  1. Visitor Timezone (default) – your shop will be closed relative to the visitors timezone. For example, if you scheduled your shop to be closed every Friday at 5pm, then visitors from New York and visitors from Australia will see a closed shop after 5pm on Friday – based on their timezone.
  2. Shop Timezone – Alternatively, you can enable the option “Use shop timezone”. In this case, your online store will be closed only relative to your shop’s timezone. For example, if your shop is based on New York timezone and you scheduled to close at 5pm on Friday, then visitors from Los Angeles will be able to access the shop at that time (because its only 2pm in Los Angeles, when its 5pm in New York).

How to set “Logo URL”?

If you want to show your logo while the shop is closed, you can specify a Logo URL. You can copy the logo URL from your website. Simply ‘right-click’ on the logo image on your website and select “Copy image address”. Then, paste this into the “Logo URL” field inside the Shabbat Mode app. Remember to click “Save”.

Get a Free Trial

Try Shabbat Mode for 14 days and see how easy it is to use.